Saturday 1 April 2017


Analyzing the Balwyn Photo 

I almost posted my first BP blog then thought I'd wait to see who the expert was going to be analyzing the original BP I mean there was no hurry, it was not like someone anytime soon was going to solve the case, the results/conclusion was much what I expected, so it seems you needed my help after all.

I will put it to you all that part of the family home was to be involved in the photo where other sightings have taken place, those who have studied the case will know what I'm talking about so the chimney with part of the top of the roof ended up in the photo nothing else is to give away any details of the house itself, however it was the fact the chimney was unique that made it easy for me to find. 

As I have mentioned in throwing a polished stainless steel metal bowl up in the air things started to unfold as to why and how the Balwyn UFO photo came about.

Some of the things I discovered.

Throwing a bowl up in the air as in the BP and photographing it in an open area I noticed the reflection/image on the bowl in the photo I had taken to be the ground I'm standing on and what was behind me, compressed (for want of a better word) towards the rim in a half circle it doesn't matter how big the bowl/object is whether it is 6 inches, 10 feet, 25 feet, the reflection/image on the BP is behind the photographer, it's just plain common sense.

Why in portrait mode.

The photo was taken in a portrait mode to keep a narrow field of view and more importantly to allow enough leeway in the frame vertically for your bowl to come to a stop somewhere in the frame along side/above the chimney. (To make it clear not physically near the chimney just in respect to its position in the frame of the photo).

Why throw it vertically

Throwing it horizontally like a Frisbee requires a big area to get it up high enough to photograph and as with a Frisbee it can veer left or right striking something hard as it comes down to the ground enough to damage it. It would be better to have some help in launching and catching it. Trying to get a good shot as it past through the frame with the chimney in the photo is going to be very difficult not impossible but you would go through a lot of film.
Throwing it straight up gives you control, putting a spin on it as you launch it vertically, all you have to do is practice getting it to reach its apex within the frame you can remain in the one spot (moving a little left and right) with the chimney remaining in the left hand bottom corner of the frame in each shot, each throw you inch your bowl closer to the chimney until you are satisfied with the shot. Having someone launch and catch would be great but there are ways you can do this on your own.
The chimney is quite a distance away from the camera the bowl was launched in front of the camera get over it.

Information unfolding.

Next, getting sick of throwing the bowl up into the air and now wanting to take a photo with our house in the background (behind me) I wanted control over the bowl vertically and horizontal so I fixed the bowl to a pole, box tubing about 20 foot long able to move it up or down, then fixed the pole to my trailer so as to move the bowl in any direction. The weather was a perfect summers day no clouds. The first thing I notice in taking a photo of the bowl fixed to the pole about a half hour after the free spinning shots was it had a strong glint of sunlight at the top of the bowl, what they call the diamond ring effect and the reflection/image was clearer, this was because the bowl was no longer spinning, the imperfections in the spinning metal skin of the bowl and possibly the bowl slightly out of balance caused a slight dulling of the glint of sunlight and a slight blurring of the reflection/image on the bowl, not all that important just an observation something for me to take into account, however what I found out next turned out to be very important I picked at random a wall/roof of our house it turned out to be in full sunlight taking a picture with the house behind me, (so I'm with my back to the wall the bowl mounted on a pole fixed to a 6x4 trailer in front of me). I took the photo, the reflection/image on the bowl even though it was curved into the rim as I have described, the distorted wall guttering roof tiles were very bright, too bright compared with the BP so I had to find a wall in the shade and sure enough it took the edge off the brightness indicating to me the reflection/image on the object in the BP was in shadow. I will discuss this further later on.

The information I had gathered thus far goes like this, spinning bowl/object as in the BP causes a slight blur, this is to be added to vertical camera movement, the reflection/image is in shadow a dark silhouette, shutter speed is not right, out of focus, the bowl/object not coming to its apex when the photo was taken plus the circumference of the bowl is not even that is it is not a perfect half sphere and so the distortion of the reflection/image varies from the rim to the base, so thinking if you had the original photo to analyze on your computer that somehow you are going to glean some sort of new information out of it you would be just fooling yourself.

I suspect the cross hairs to be a little lower and a tad more to the left in the original.  

What is interesting in the BP above, you would expect the cross hairs to be on the object (the focal point) that is an object appears in the sky and that is all you are focused upon, taking a photo of the object would be centre in the frame.

To put it another way if you where taking a picture of a couple of friends you consciously/subconsciously share the frame between the two, your focal point would be between your two friends both sharing the frame equally. The same goes for the BP above wanting to share the frame with the chimney and object.

I have a confession to make I had the Kodak Instant version and so thought the Polaroid Land 800 series was much the same as my Point and Shoot Kodak camera, it turns out my Kodak version came out a good decade later after the Polaroid Land 800 and was easy to use however not so for the Polaroid Land 800, there is quite a few steps to go through before taking a good picture as you will see if you read the manual. This link explains what you have to do in order to take a good photo on a Polaroid Land 800. 

Two photo's cut and joined.

When someone says it looks like two photos cut and joined and claims to be an expert then I figure if I cut and join a colour BP together (which I did) I will get the same result as the BP and I expect Ufologist/researchers/photographic experts to do the same (silly me) not getting the result claimed by the expert and armed to the teeth with evidence that it doesn't work, I email the good Professor quoting what he said stating that he "thinks" the BP is two photos cut and join together, tactfully as I'm well known for and this being our first contact but wanting to know how he was able to hide the white line, (the white card backing) let alone matching the sky/cloud was impossible I left it in his court to show me how the hoax was done, all he does is copy and paste the paragraph regarding his statement that it was a cut and joined the very thing I was referring/quoting back to him, it didn't really matter though I already had my answer.  Yes I'm Aussiebloke.

Experts dime a dozen.

My point of mentioning this, when an expert makes a statement you see all these other so called experts who want to run with it. Is it two photos cut and joined? Yes it is, no it's not, actually doing the work you realize all these so called experts are just plain clueless, had they cut and joined a photo they would be able to tell you the jagged line in the BP was not two joined photos. More about this later.

The same goes for BP itself you would be able to read what the photo was telling you just by throwing a metal bowl up in the air but no they are all clueless even the ones who "think" it's a hoax wouldn't it be better to do the science and "know" it is a hoax?

Science is important to me I just can't understand when given the opportunity as in this case to test it, everybody either just wants to believe it's a hoax or believe it is real. Belief belongs behind the four walls of a church but unfortunately it has ventured out into reality in a big way as though belief has some kind of ranking with science. It is absolutely scary.

Reflection/Image behind the Camera.

Now I'm going to repeat this one more time the image/reflection on the polished object in the BP is behind the witness or more to the point camera, as I said like standing in front of a full length mirror taking a photo of yourself anything behind you is also in that photo but with a sphere like object edge on as in the BP everything around you and behind is compressed towards the rim, including the camera that took the photograph.

Sun too Low.

Now here's another kicker, on April the 2nd at 2.21 pm the sun is too low in the sky to cast a reflection on the bowl, (Rim facing North as in BP at the correct end of the house,) this is finding the true east and west watching where the sun rises and sets the day before setting up the bowl on the pole about twenty feet up in the air aligned with Google Earths image of the EH and the FH as you see in the BP and now my model on the other page. Bugger me no matter what I did two years running on the 2nd at 2.21 not even at 12 o'clock midday, I cannot get the the image of the sun like on the BP so what is going on? To get the suns image like it is on the BP object it needed it to be on my left side, it was then I had an eureka moment or something like it and realized the sun was rising up behind the house in the refection/image, this is why the reflection/image on the bowl in the BP is in shadow just a silhouette of the west side of the EH which is behind the photographer/camera not up in the sky above the object, to make this clear this means the photo would have to be taken around summer time, the summer equinox just before or after, the sun will rise further to the south behind the EH, the suns reflection on the object is early in the morning you can actually get close to when but you need to be there and carry out experiments, the next kicker to come to terms with means the photo has remained in the back of the camera for about five months or even from the Summer before. Here's a Link showing where the sun rises in summer compared to March/April. 

This is the need to explain away the film as being old, there it is in the back of the camera waiting for an opportunity to come along, parents overseas work being done in the house, a captive audience (Carpenter/worker/s) the only problem is the work is to be carried out at the opposite end of the house the kitchen where he needs to be seen going through his pantomime taking the photo but from the opposite end of the house to where the photo was actually taken.

Jagged Line.

If you read the Polaroid Land 800 Camera manual I link you to from one end to another you will see that you must not let the print fall back on the negative I put it to you all after the photo was taken, either the print was peeled back diagonally enough to see that the bowl/object was in the right place the chimney was a given, pleased with the result lets the print go and shuts the back of the camera and there it stays until an opportunity comes along that's one idea, the second idea confident after other attempts knows the bowl/object will be in the frame and does not peel the film apart to check but remember it is sitting in the back of the camera for months if not more and perhaps the print starts parting from the negative leaving only a part still intact when removed from the camera. The point I'm trying to make, the jagged line is not a cut mark it is a difference in colour strength where it was in contact with the negative and where it was not I like my first scenario but I don't have the equipment to prove it.

The other point I want to make this camera needs a lot of setting up in order to take a good picture, in an instant it has gone (according to the witness) from taking photos of flowers (close up) at the time then suddenly photographing an object at some distance judged by the witness to be much further away than the chimney read the manual as to what you have to do in order to take a photo. Boy are we lucky, today just point and shoot.

The Object.

The object is unusual I started out looking for something commercial something off the shelf with no success however I put it to you it will sit in the palm of your hand a metal bowl sized object.

I then found out the family business (and that is what it is) imported lathes and other equipment, however lathes can spin a metal bowl so either as part of a course or the equipment is there so let's spin a bowl, and so a bowl was spun with lid and polished this is why I have used the words in the past, as if it was an exercise, I'm just saying the witness was in a good position to spin something out of the ordinary and/or in his visits to China and so on come across something that said Hmmm UFO, the word hinged also was used which I found interesting but that is another story.

I have only used what was around in the 60's to solve this simple case the computer wasn't much help except for enlarging, printing etc,.


The BP was not taken in the garden at the West End.
The BP was not taken on the April the 2nd.  
Hope that was of some help.

Cheers Les Medew

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